Singer Against Luxury Consumption

For the past two decades or so, Bernard Arnault and family have been listed by Forbes as one of the richest families in the world. The luxury market, in general, has been consistently growing and, if forecasts are accurate, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future (Statista, 2024). People now, at least the Read More

Some (scattered) thoughts

The power of “echo chambers” to create polarizing views resides in the exploitation of a non-linear process. That’s probably why polarization is so hard to overcome -after a few belief-compoundings in opposite directions, two individuals come to embrace diametrically opposed views of reality. (Think also about the attention economy. We might have a mistaken, linear Read More

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

The entrepreneurial spirit has taken hold of today’s society. Many people now dream about starting their own business, being vastly (financially) successful and, why not, joining the select group of billionaires that make magazines’ covers of financial and celebrity publications. The dream, like every dream, is partly the result of culture. Over the last few Read More

Grammarly and real writing

The process of writing is a paradigmatic example of a process involving trial and error. From the get-go, you find yourself constantly modifying your wording, style, structure, etc. This is especially true when you write in a language that is not your mother tongue, as I am now doing. There are shortcuts to make the Read More

Consumers, Exploring and Exploiting

Should you give that new restaurant around the corner a try, or instead play it safe and grab those snacks you love from one of your favorite places? This is an instance of a more general problem known as the explore/exploit tradeoff, which basically asks the question of when it is a good idea for Read More

“Marry Me” and CO2

In 2010, a Japanese artist named Yassan proposed to his girlfriend by spelling the words “marry me” employing several GPS routes inside Japan. The feat also earned Yassan the Guinness Record for world’s biggest GPS drawing. As Yassan completed a big part of his journey by foot, he was later contacted by a sports company, Read More

Does The Market Lie?

I once read or heard that the market does not lie. Essentially, the idea is that the market is a system that happens to reward only those businesses that are doing things right. In a Darwinian spirit, with each decision, consumers determine the faith of businesses and eventually select for survival only those that deserve Read More

Social Proof and Cream Puffs

A few months back, I was walking down a street and ran into a line of more than 40 people, impatiently waiting for their turn to order… cream puffs! I obviously felt the urge to try them and ended up waiting in line for more than 30 minutes. You have probably experienced something similar. After Read More